Click here to read my
'Food is MaGicAl' blog post
Hello, I'm Emma!
I'm so happy to be here, sharing my tried and tested vegetarian recipes. I'm a food blogger, mum of four and owner of a popular cafe nestled in the Yorkshire Dales, England.
My recipes are for busy people who are looking for inspiration to eat healthy, vibrant food - food to nourish yourself from inside out. My life is hectic, very hectic! But whatever life is throwing at you, I always think it's worth trying to eat healthily. I see eating well as an investment in your current and future self. We really are what we eat.
Healthy doesn't mean it has to take ages to prepare, or require loads of pre-planning or pre-prepping. Batch cooking is great and I'd definitely recommend it you can, but with 6 of us in our family making one meal often feels like batch cooking as it is, so I opt for meals that can be prepped and cooked in less than half an hour most days. These can all be found in my quick combos category.
As being a mum-chef is a big part of my life right now, I also include family friendly recipes to help to get children to eat a variety of nutritious ingredients, often hidden, but in a form that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Although I'm all for educating children about healthy eating, sometimes they do just say urghh when they see something they're convinced they don't like, so I've become a master of disguise! With four young kids, I have quite a good testing ground. They are all very specific and like different things so I only include a recipe in the 'Family Friendly' category if all four will eat it - encourgament is allowed, force feeding isn't! Find family friendly recipes here.
As I've navigated my way through the adventure of life so far, my almost 40 years of varied experiences along the way (good, bad & ugly) have brought me to this point and to the creation of this recipe blog. It feels like the stars have aligned and this is where I can unite my background in design with my passion for nutrition, my experience in the food industry and my experiments as mum-chef, and suddenly life all makes sense!
I hope you enjoy my recipes. Please follow me as I adapt and grow this collection and what I have to offer.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Emma :)
To read more blog posts about my journey with food and my passion for healthy eating see below -
What I've realised about diets and sugar
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